The Rapid Descent to Fascism in Alberta
First they came ….
They modified the school curriculum to fit their narrow ideology.
They fired the election commissioner before he could release findings. Numerous fines had already been levied for campaign corruption.
They circumvented campaign contribution limits by accepting illegal donations.
They instituted a ‘Teacher ‘Snitch Line’.
They rewarded political donors with government appointments regardless of their qualifications.
They have refused to release findings of a 3 year old minimum wage study.
They were ordered to produce thousands of coal policy documents they had withheld.
Their war room was shut down because they feared retribution for greenwashing.
Their board is fractured by Take Back Alberta, an extreme right group and does not represent the majority of members.
They triggered Privacy Commissioner investigation for refusing to share pension survey data.
They restricted freedom to Information about government actions.
They exempted political staffers from being bound by conflict of interest rules.
They triggered Privacy Commissioner investigation into the government's ongoing secrecy.
And we did nothing because we weren't paying attention.
Then it was too late.
by Carolyn Schoepp, Drayton Valley