Phyllis Schmitt Letter:

This letter is to register my concern, and the concern of thousands of Albertans, for the manner in which the
government is dealing with the coal mine situation in Alberta.

It seems that foreign corporations have more sway than Albertans.

Who are you really serving? Who has elected you to give them the opportunity to destroy our
rivers and thus put the lives of thousands of people at risk? Is there no one even thinking in this government or
has it somehow gone out of style? Is there no one who can voice the opinion that is this is not right. Is there not
a moral choice here?

At risk are the lives of everyone who depends on the waters that come from the mountains into the rivers that
serve the farms, towns, and cities on their paths – and by their connections extending beyond our province to the
east. And if water goes short, who gets it? The coal mine companies or the citizens of Alberta?

What is really a slam in the face of all Albertans is that foreign companies appear to have more power that we do.
It seems that the lives of the people and flora and fauna are not enough to remind those in power of the
devastation. And that perhaps the potential slam to our agri economy would get their attention since it seems
that foreign company profits play a bigger role than the interests of the citizens of this province.
In addition, I have attached a letter that voices a concern for the Premier’s attendance at the inauguration of a
felon. The letter speaks for itself.

I also have a concern that we are sending three cabinet ministers and entourage to Washington to attend a prayer
breakfast—this in the midst of our Canada team doing their best to counter the tariffs from Trump.
Our Premier needs to get on board with the rest of Canada We are all Canadians first and it would be encouraging
to see our premier stop the pettiness of blaming the federal government for everything and refusing to cooperate.
Perhaps it is time for her to get off her grade three playground and do the job for which she has been elected.

Phyllis Schmitt


February 1, 2025