Laurie Adkin Letter:

Diplomacy has never been my strong suit, but I enjoyed writing this:

January 24, 2025 Minister Brian Jean, Minister Rebecca Shulz, Premier Danielle Smith, MLA Chelsea Petrovic,

As a longtime resident and fourth-generation Albertan who cares about the health of our ecosystems, the rights of other species, and sustainable livelihoods for all Albertans, I have paid close attention to UCP government positions on coal mining. I fully support my fellow citizens in southern Alberta who oppose any new exploration for, or mining of coal on the eastern slopes of the Rockies. The reasons for this opposition were made crystal clear during the previous consultations on this question that led to the rejection of the Grassy Mountain project by the joint federal-provincial panel on this project's environmental and social impacts. There is no justification whatsoever for Minister Jean's unilateral and arbitrary decision to permit new (rehashed) project proposals to be considered by the AER. Nor is there any justification for your government's subsequent decision to rescind the moratorium on coal mining on the eastern slopes. It is unacceptable to run roughshod over the decisions arrived at democratically by informed citizens, and to drag these citizens through yet another cycle of opposition to such projects. It is obvious to all of us who have followed this issue that the motivation for your action is to avoid court actions involving members of your cabinet, and that your decisions have nothing whatsoever to do with the interests of Albertans. If you have any shred of concern for Alberta's watersheds, agriculture, ranching, or tourism, or any respect for democracy, you will immediately reinstate the moratorium on coal mining on the eastern slopes and put an end to the great anxiety and distress you are causing so many Albertans. If you do not, you can expect a strong mobilization in defence of the eastern slopes led by the most determined people you can imagine.

This is not a fight you will win.

Sincerely, Laurie Adkin