Anonymous: Do You Know What It's Like To Be Scared For Your Future

I bet the answer is no........

You have never had to face a provincial government that is hell bent on selling Alberta to the lowest bidder all for a measly few bucks (or at least that's how it feels to this autistic).
The reason I say this is as plain as the nose on your conservative face!!I don't know if my feelings, thoughts or sentiments are shared with all of Alberta but non the less they are mine........
Ever since I came to Alberta (early 90's) the things I needed have been eroded away by defunding and closures to essential resources that many programs and not for profits provided disabled populations.
Those that did survive scaled back and many changed to a one size fits all platform that never fit no one and often catered to the more apparent/severe end of disability.
Today due to how things are done at present it truly makes me wonder if Alberta will ever get out of the stone age where disabled and seniors actually have a place in society where their human rights are equal to that of average populations.
As I age the more things I see that govt decisions have caused harm to disabled populations like the defunding of not for profits (ie the FAS and 2 others) that helped disabled people have a real voice in a province that has no room for them.
I fear for all those young and old whose voices like mine will be silenced and ignored in a province that holds true to conservative roots that would rather sell their ailing loved ones to the lowest bidder just for a few bucks then to develop and invest in supportive sustainable resources that put people first!!!
As I age the more I feel Alberta is not a place to retire much less call home given how privatization of many things has taken a foothold..........
So many things I could say on this but where to start much less put to words how heartbreaking and disgusting things in Alberta have become.
I came to Alberta because I thought there was a future here but as my time here lingered on the more I saw the govt take essential resources and programs from those I love through defunding and cancelling when it came to decisions that impacted lives negatively.
The biggest of all things I fear is getting older because what I need as a neurodiverse human does not exist as much of what there is aimed at severe needs often under 18.
Where does one go when supports don't support and what is out there one needs to jump the insane huddles of PDD (need to be below 70 iq to qualify) and if you do get PDD you have to jump through the programs huddles just to get the minimal support that they might provide you..........
it's a nightmare and humiliating to say the least.
Being disabled at any age isn't fun and if you are privileged with such things my best advice to you is cherish this as time, age and life fallies will throw us all a curb ball and yes even you too will be disabled sooner or later.
Don't take for granted that your health and such will remain forever as it wont and the beliefs and such you had towards disabled and seniors will falter as you too will be one of us!!!
The negative things people often say to me and so many who live with disability is due to ignorance, lack of education and understanding.
Often these beliefs are based on archaic systems that are hardly based in reality.
Often from what I have seen in my lifetime is that often the attitudes leaders have (such as the UCP have) many people will assimilate even if it is bad for a democratic science based society........
People for the most part are sheep due to the fear of difference and being seen so they do their best to blend in and hope that they are never seen.........
Why make waves........
That assimilation is what causes the harm and makes life hard for so many and those actions that people often take denies others their human rights through peoples inactions!!!
Maybe I am wrong or maybe I am right whatever the case it is what I see in a province I don't feel safe in..........